ABLEnews Extra Lost Records, Lost Kids [The following file may be freq'd as ED40627.* from 1:109/909 and other BBS's that carry the ABLEFiles Distribution Network (AFDN). Please allow a few days for processing.] Although the New York City Board of Education spends nearly one-quarter of its budget on special education programs, it has no way of measuring whether disabled students are getting an education or developing skills, according to a report released yesterday by City Comptroller Alan G. Hevesi. Auditors from the Comptroller's office sought to determine whether the 130,000 city students who have been labeled as having disabilities and placed in special education classes are making academic progress. But they concluded, "The board has no comprehensive policy or methodology for measuring the success of the special education program." Schools Chancellor Raymond C. Cortines, who did not dispute the Comptroller's findings, said yesterday that he would develop a new system for tracking the student's performance. The Comptroller's report was the latest of several studies that have cast a critical light on the city's vast and costly special education system. The board itself reported earlier this month that its 63 special education schools are becoming more turbulent: the city's 14 most violent schools during the fall term were all devoted to special education. And many studies over the last decade, starting with a 1985 report commissioned by former Mayor Edward I. Koch, have found that the board has channelled disproportionate numbers of black and Hispanic boys into the system. In the Comptroller's study, the auditors selected a random sample of 50 high school students registered in special education in October 1992. The auditors sought to determine whether the students were achieving the objectives outlined in their Individualized Educational Programs, the formal documents that classify students' disabilities when the board enrolls them in the special education program. But sloppy record-keeping at most schools did not permit an analysis of student progress, the study said. The auditors also attempted to anlayze test scores for special education students, but found that the data were unusable because of statistical inconsistencies. While most special education students take citywide math and reading tests, the auditors found their scores are not used to assess the effectiveness of the program. One of the 50 students picked at random in the audit had virtually disappeared, the study said. "One student in our sample was absent for the 1993 school year," it said. "School officials have not been able to locate him. According to a family member, this student was incarcerated, but school officials could not verify this. In a statement accompanying the study, Mr. Hevesi said, "The board spends twice as much per child on those in special ed, but there is nothing to indicate we are getting our money's worth. Many parents believe their children are not getting the help they need from special education programs. Without information that tracks what works and what doesn't, it's impossible to make sure that all children get the support they need." The board spends $1.7 billion of its $7.5 billion budget on special education. It costs less than $6,500 to educate a child in a conventional classroom, while each special education student costs $18,705, school figures indicate. In March, Mr. Cortines announced an extensive reorganization of the special education division, but in May after protests from parents and from the teachers' and principals' unions, he postponed the shake-up. Mr. Cortines said that he intended to use the school year beginning in September to "review everything in special education, including those issues" and to plan for a reorganization of the system. Several previous chancellors have also announced ambitious reorganization plans, but little has ever materialized. [Comptroller Report Faults Special Education Policy, Sam Dillon, New York Times, 6/27/94] A Fidonet-backbone echo featuring disability/medical news and information, ABLEnews is carried by more than 325 BBSs in the US, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Greece, New Zealand, and Sweden. The echo, available from Fidonet and Planet Connect, is gated to the ADANet, FamilyNet, and World Message Exchange networks. ABLEnews text files--including our digests: Of Note and Mednotes (suitable for bulletin and file use) are disseminated via the ABLEfile Distribution Network, which is available from the filebone and Planet Connect. ...For further information, contact CURE, 812 Stephen Street, Berkeley Springs, West Virginia 254511 (304-258-LIFE/5433).